3 Reasons Why Goldfish Swim School Promotes Star Students

Learning to swim is something every child can benefit from – which is why we incorporate all sorts of exciting things, like our Star Students, to encourage kids to keep swimming!
What is a Star Student?
At Goldfish Swim School, we recognize four students every month to be featured on our Star Student board at each location. These are students who have been able to overcome a challenge during their swim lessons.
These students will (with parental permission, of course) have their picture taken and posted on our Star Student board – and they’ll also receive a copy of the picture to keep. The image will also be sent out in our monthly newsletter, the Bubble! Plus, our Star Students receive a certificate to turn in for a snack and they’ll also be awarded a special neck ribbon acknowledging their success.
(But don’t worry, you don’t have to wait for all that to make your child feel like a star – you can snap pics of your child swimming and doing great, and if you pass it along to us we’ll post it on our Facebook page.)
3 Reasons Why Goldfish Swim School Promotes Star Students
For the parents
As parents, we don’t like to see our kids upset. That’s why it can be especially heart-breaking for a parent whose child is spilling a few tears during the first few swim lessons – but don’t worry, crying is pretty common, and our instructors at Goldfish Swim School use integrity, compassion and trust to help your child get past those tears. (Need proof? Check out this mom’s real story of how her son went from crying to smiling at his swim lessons!)
Still, tears often makes parents wonder if they’re doing the right thing. And Tiffany Miller, Director of Operations for Goldfish Swim School Franchising, says that’s part of the point of having the Star Student board at each Goldfish Swim School location: It gives moms and dads hope.
“The board helps give parents feedback, and it shows them that here are the parents who have been through this,” Tiffany said. “A big part of it is it gives parents hope, and that helps a lot of other families.”
And it lets parents know that, whatever the challenge is, we’ll work together to overcome it.
For the new swimmers
Some kids take to the water immediately, while others have a bit of trepidation upon doing something so new and different. We understand that, which is why we offer reasons to celebrate with our special award ribbons the kids get for trying new skills, and the advancement to new levels upon mastering the moves.
But we go even beyond that by honoring a few Star Students each month. By showcasing students who have overcome a challenge – such as crying during the lesson – it lets nervous swimmers know that it can be done!
We want kids to learn to swim and we know they can do it – so we make sure to keep providing encouragement! Plus, kids benefit from hearing and seeing other success stories and knowing they are not alone.
For ALL the students
Our Star Student board isn’t only for the kids who have conquered their fears and dried their tears – it’s also for all our other students who have been able to accomplish something that was especially difficult. Whether that’s putting his or her face in the water, jumping off the wall into the water, swimming across the width of the pool – we know extraordinary results come from perseverance, and we want to honor that.
Kids like to be recognized for their hard work, and striving to achieve their goals and be featured on our Star Student board provides added incentive. All our Goldfish Swim School students are recognized for their determination and success, but having the Star Student board lets those kids who think their next step is impossible know that others have been able to overcome their own challenges – and that they can too with practice, practice, practice.
Give the kids a GOLDEN experience!
We have locations throughout the country, so find a Goldfish Swim School near you and sign up today. We have some pretty WOW! customer service, and a bunch of other reasons for why Goldfish Swim School is worth it.