Let’s Celebrate! The Safer Swimmer Pledge is O-FISH-ally Here!

It’s o-FISH-ally National Water Safety Month, and we’re launching year FOUR of the Safer Swimmer Pledge!
With nearly 17,000 pledge takers in 2023, we were able to donate $17,000 to the USA Swimming Foundation. That means thousands of safer swimmers! As we dive into year four, we’re ready to hit the ground running to make this year Bigger. Better. Safer!

The Safer Swimmer Pledge was launched in May of 2021 and since then, each year has gotten bigger and better, with last year being our most fintastic year yet! We’re so excited to see our swimmers, team members and parents come together with one common goal – safer swimmers! Taking the pledge reminds kiddos and adults alike of the 5 water safety must-knows for summer swimming and water activities. While it’s allowed us to continue aiding in our mission to help kiddos be safer in and around the water, it’s also helped to provide swim lessons to those in need through our partnership with the USA Swimming Foundation and the amazing cause of Every Child A Swimmer.

Taking the pledge means you’re committing to be a safer swimmer AND getting entered to win some pretty awesome prizes…
SWIMMERS! The swimmer that refers the most pledge takers will receive…
A VIP Pool Party with their friends and family, fintastic LEGO® products, Goldfish swag AND a year of swim lessons!
GOLDFISH TEAM MEMBERS! The team member that refers the most pledge takers receives…
$2024 in GOLD-HARD cash, a 1-night stay at the LEGOLAND® New York Resort, and one-day passes to the theme park for them and three friends!
SCHOOLS! The Goldfish Swim School with the most pledges recorded will get their very own VIP pool party with both of our Olympic swimming ambassadors and Goldfish swag for the whole team!
And a drum roll for this year’s grand prize…
A 3-night, 2-day adventure to the LEGOLAND® New York Resort for a family of four, PLUS $2024 in GOLD-HARD cash to cover airfare and other travel expenses!!!

While you’re waiting to win one of these finomenal prizes, we’ve got your next adventure covered! Take the pledge online to unlock an exclusive Buy One Get One offer from our friends at LEGOLAND®, which can be used at any LEGOLAND® Resort or Discovery Center!
We are so excited for this year’s pledge! We can’t wait to see how many safer swimmers are taking the pledge and spreading the word to their family and friends to build a community of as many safer swimmers as possible!
Take the Safer Swimmer Pledge now then tag us on social using #saferswimmerpledge to spread the word and receive additional entries for plenty of swimsational prizes! Plus, your photos tagged using #saferswimmerpledge may be featured in a special collage to celebrate the waves we’ve made for water safety during this year’s Safer Swimmer Pledge!
After you take the Safer Swimmer Pledge, put your water safety knowledge to the test with our Water Safety Trivia! You can share your swimpressive results with your friends and family, and encourage them to become safer swimmers this summer! Plus, you can follow up your top-notch trivia by taking the Safer Swimmer Buddy Personality Quiz to find out which of our finomenal friends you are!
LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations, the Minifigure, and LEGOLAND are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2024 The LEGO Group. LEGOLAND, is part of Merlin Entertainments Ltd.