Kids Struggling in School? Here are 4 Ways Swimming Can Help!

Does your child have a difficult time focusing in school or interacting with others? There could be a hundred reasons why – but did you know swimming has the potential to make things easier? Here are 4 Ways Swimming Can Help:
1. Concentration
With classrooms full of 20 or more other children, it’s no wonder staying focused can be a bit tricky for kids. There are lots of other things going on to distract them and it can take some time to become used to clearing out the other distractions.
Goldfish Swim School has an exciting atmosphere, with plenty of swimmers and instructors in other lanes and lots of cheering going on all over the pool. We teach our swimmers how to instinctively tune out what’s going on elsewhere and concentrate on what they are supposed to be doing so they can have a GOLDEN experience (even for children with ADHD). They become focused on learning their swim skills and being thrilled about their own accomplishments – learning that concentrating really does make a difference!
2. Confidence
It can be intimidating for new swimmers to let go of the wall and take those first few pulls and kicks toward the other side of the pool. In the same way, kids can be apprehensive about school: The tests, going up to the front of the room to talk in front of others, raising hands and giving an answer, working out a new math problem, or writing down big vocabulary words.
swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School help to give kids confidence – not only in their swimming abilities, but in school, too. It’s our greatest work: to help kids make waves in life! With the way our instructors use integrity, compassion and trust to learn to swim, children become confident that they can be successful in doing something new and something they may have been apprehensive about. Once kids find their confidence, the sky’s the limit!
3. Taking Turns
As adults, we may forget how frustrating it can be to still be learning to accommodate others in situations like in the classroom. Waiting patiently for someone to be done using the scissors or putting their homework on the teacher’s desk isn’t always as easy as it looks from the outside.
At Goldfish Swim School, there are only four children at most in a swim lesson. This provides the instructor an opportunity to spend more individual time with each swimmer – but still provides ample time for learning to take turns. Kids become excited to show off their skills, but learn to wait until it’s their turn to take off in the water. The more opportunities they have to learn patience, the easier it is to incorporate into other areas of their life – like school.
4. Following Directions
Kids can think they know everything, and in school that can translate to not really following directions. Or maybe it’s hard for them to stay on task and take directions step by step. Either way, swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School provide a fun way for children to learn how to successfully follow directions.
Sometimes students start swim lessons when they already “know” how to swim (just as they may already “know” how they’re supposed to complete a school assignment). But we teach children the building blocks of swimming skills and put them together with things to do to be safer in and around the water. They follow directions in the pool, producing extraordinary results – seeing firsthand the positive outcome – and practice staying on task. That’s something to celebrate!
Swim with us at Goldfish Swim School
We’re located across the country – so find a Goldfish Swim School location near you and sign up for swim lessons today! Babies ages 4 months and older can start learning how to swim with us, and so can their older siblings. Plus, we have some pretty WOW! customer service!