Books & Bubbles: Goldfish Swim School’s Fun Book Helps Kids Who Are Afraid of the Water

Some kids are natural water lovers and easily jump right in – while others remain hesitant. And that’s OK!
Of course, our instructors at Goldfish Swim School use integrity, compassion and trust when teaching kids how to swim, but sometimes a bit of preparation ahead of time outside of the water is just what little ones need to celebrate in the water.
That’s where Bubbles comes in!
If you are a Goldfish family, then you know about Bubbles, our friendly orange goldfish mascot. He’s a huge hit with kids of all ages and now, he’s the star of his own book!
“The Fish Who Wouldn’t Swim”
Can your kids imagine a fish – a GOLDFISH, of all things – who doesn’t want to swim? Well, that’s exactly what happens to Bubbles in the new book, “The Fish Who Wouldn’t Swim,” written and illustrated by Cedric Hohnstadt.
Bubbles should enjoy all things water. The jumping. The splashing. The … bubbles. He is a goldfish, after all! Yet to Bubbles, the water is scary. Whether it’s a puddle or a bathtub or the beach, Bubbles just doesn’t want to go near the water. Ever.
Even when Bubbles sees all of his friends laughing and playing in the water, he still prefers to be safe far away from the water. Which, as a fish, makes him feel like something is wrong with him — because shouldn’t all fish (kids) know how to do certain things in the water?
Luckily, Bubbles’ friends come to the rescue to help him! Friends (and family) are there to help each other, so that’s exactly what they do. Once Bubbles learned what to do in the water – thanks to some extraordinary results from swim lessons – and encountered plenty of encouragement, he came to enjoy being in the water!
Life Lessons
Most children love books and more importantly, they LOVE to identify with the characters in books. And as parents, using books as teaching tools to model the kind of behavior we want to see (like bravery, kindness, generosity and empathy) is the perfect way to teach and connect with your child – in a fun, warm and loving way.
Through Bubbles, your children will start to make the connection between conquering fears and the importance of friends.
And the best part? You won’t have to do a thing, other than snuggle up and read a book.
Learning to Swim after the Fear
Why choose Goldfish Swim School to teach your children how to swim? What Bubbles learned from his friends, is what kids learn at Goldfish Swim School.
We want everyone to have a GOLDEN experience, and we understand that every child is different.
That’s why we:
- Have ways to help kids with special needs
- Can ease the transition if your child cries at her first swim lesson (or two)
- Know how swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School helps children with ADHD
- Incorporate water safety skills during each and every lesson
Bring the Bubbles Book Home; Learn to Swim
Stop into any of our Goldfish Swim School locations to bring Bubbles’ life lessons home with you! While you’re there, don’t forget to check out our WOW! customer service, and find out how you can sign up for swim lessons (and why it’s worth the money).