You work hard to give your kids the things and opportunities you never had. Yet somewhere along the way, the gratitude for all you’re able to provide may slip away. No worries! Here are 6 Ways to Implement Gratitude into Your Daily Family Routine that will have adults and kids alike appreciating the little – and big – things every day.

6 Ways to Implement Gratitude into Your Daily Family Routine

1. Talk about the best part of your day.

Even if you don’t gather everyone around the dinner table at the same time (hey, we know schedules are packed!), find some point in the day where each person can tell you the best part of the day. That may mean talking about the best part of yesterday when you’re at the breakfast table, but you get the point. It’s important that the focus is on thinking about – and talking about – the good parts of the day.

2. Discuss good things you did for others.

We don’t mean you have to brag, gloat, or have the kids start arrogantly boasting about the good stuff they did. Rather, this is to make sure everyone is making a conscious effort to do nice things for others: From holding the door open (every time!) for someone to going out of your way to help a friend. Did you give some WOW customer service? Talking about it with your family will give you ideas to share!

3. Participate in #ThankfulThursday.

Thanksgiving is only one day a year, but the good tidings and feelings it brings can be celebrated all year long! The social media world has already figured this out, so your family should have no problem jumping on the #ThankfulThursday bandwagon. Besides posting on social media sites about what you’re thankful for each Thursday, be vocal about it – or start a thankful journal. Another idea: A dry-erase board where the whole family can write about what they’re thankful for, all day long! Don’t forget to snap a picture of the board, either, so you can remember those blessings.

4. Help others around the holidays (and then keep it going!).

As the weather turns colder and the end of the year approaches, there are many opportunities for being charitable. Whether it’s Toys for Tots, local meal donations, an area food pantry, Meals on Wheels, adopt-a-family from a church or some other idea, make sure your family picks a good cause. Then, even when the season ends, continue to think of others and keep up the donations of food, money and/or time.

5. Pick “good deed day” for the whole family.

Do you pick the kids up from school on Fridays and grab a drive-through treat (or maybe dinner) on the way home? Use that as the perfect opportunity to pay it forward: Go through with the sole purpose of paying for the vehicle behind you. Your kids will have a fun time guessing about what type of person (Family? Teenager? Senior citizen?) will be on the receiving end of your gesture.

6. Lead by example.

You may not always realize it, but they’re watching you. Who? Your little ones, who follow you around, ask you a million questions and try to emulate your actions. So, know that the gratitude you display matters. From your exclamation about the kindness of a stranger to appreciating having a warm car to drive to school in, the way you look at things and display appreciation has an impact. Find the golden experience in every situation: Flat tire? At least you have tow coverage, or know how to change it yourself, or have loved ones to call for help.

Goldfish Swim School

At Goldfish Swim School, we believe in integrity, compassion and trust – and in helping you in your quest to raise grateful goldfish by using these 6 Ways to Implement Gratitude into Your Daily Family Routine.

Learning to swim is something to be grateful for; celebrate when you sign up for swim lessons. Find a location near you and stop in to see why Goldfish Swim School is Worth the Money!