Sometimes lessons or classes for your kids may seem like a never-ending schedule-filler, with no sense of accomplishment or milestones to look forward to. But at Goldfish Swim School, your little swimmers are able to show REAL progress.

One of the best parts of lessons here is when your kid gets to move up a level! Seriously, it’s fun and exciting for your swimmer to accomplish that – in addition to learning all those swim and safety skills. It’s another way to see how the proven curriculum here creates real progress (which is one of the Top 5 Reasons Goldfish Swim School is Worth the Money). That’s some WOW customer service!

Here are the benefits you’ll see when your little goldfish meets swim skill criteria and moves up a level:

A special ribbon

The first time a Goldfish Swim School employee walks over to you during the parent discussion portion of your child’s lesson, handing you a scorecard of checked-off skill accomplishments with a ribbon and telling you that your little goldfish has moved up a level, you may be surprised at the proud tears welling up in your eyes. But that’s nothing compared to the pride your son or daughter will feel at getting that ribbon and knowing the hard work has paid off! Celebrate those extraordinary results!

Mastering old skills

Maybe your daughter was a little wobbly while practicing her floating skills. No worries; she’ll be doing that move smoothly in no time in her new level! Going underwater will be old hat for your son who used to be apprehensive about putting his face in the pool. The skills your swimmers could perform to advance a level will only continue to get better (and stronger) as the lessons continue in that next level.

Learning new skills

Our instructors use integrity, trust and compassion to teach students the basics in order to make learning to swim a gradual and natural progression. Mastering a back float in the old class turns into learning the backstroke in the new level! Funny how that works – the kids are confident and ready to learn the new skill without even thinking it’s anything new; it’s just another golden experience to them.

Swimming farther and longer

Before, your son could swim for a length of five feet. Now he’s working on swimming a length of 10 feet! And the class that swam half the width of the pool is now working on swimming the entire width! The continued development of strength and stamina in the water is one of the major benefits of keeping your child enrolled in swim lessons all year long.

New kids to learn from

Does your son want to be just like his older brother? It’s great to have a good influence! Much like the way our Jump Start Clinics expose swimmers to other students and teachers, moving up a level also invites opportunities to learn by watching someone new. You may need to move into a new class, with new students. Kids mimic each other a lot – which can actually be a good thing when they’re learning something from one another – and there may be some new kids in the class when yours advances a level.

Enroll in Goldfish Swim School

Looking to get your little one into the water? Goldfish Swim School has classes for kids ages 4 months and older! We have locations all over the country, with more on the way all the time – so find a location near you and sign up today!

What are some of the other benefits of advancing a swim level that we may have missed? Let us know in the comments below.