That’s a wrap! Year 4 of the Safer Swimmer Pledge has o-FISH-ally come to a close, and we cannot believe how FINomenal it was. With awareness of water safety being spread across the country, thousands of safer swimmers and plenty of prizes given out, we think this year’s pledge was more than celebration-worthy

We’re closing out our 4th Safer Swimmer Pledge with more pledges than ever! 27, 346 pledges were taken this year alone, donating $30,000 to the USA Swimming Foundation! The USA Swimming Foundation works to make swim lessons more accessible so everyone, everywhere has the opportunity to learn to be safer in and around the water. We’re so excited to see how this donation helps provide swim lessons through their efforts!

As we put our fins together to Celebrate, we have to give big shout-outs to all of our pledge takers! Swimmers, parents and team members all across North America came together in a BIG way to pledge to be safer in and around the water – this summer and beyond! – and we are so proud! 

Our schools played a huge role in helping us get the word out about this year’s Safer Swimmer Pledge. They shared it on social media, told their members during lessons and passed along the message to friends and family. And there must be something special in the water out in  Massachusetts, as the schools there took the cake once again this year, with some pretty swimpressive numbers! 

Drum roll, please!

For the second year in a row our friends at Goldfish – Milford, MA will be bringing home the GOLDfish!! Goldfish – Milford, who brought in 2,280 pledges, will be getting another visit from our World Champion Swimmer friends, and we can’t wait to make a big deal about their accomplishment and CELEBRATE!

We, of course, can’t forget the incredible team members and swimmers who helped us spread the word and get as many friends and family members as they could to take the pledge. Swimmer Hannah from Needham, MA and team member Skeeter from Brookline, MA worked as hard as can be! They both earned a spot as winners in generating the most pledges, and both earned some awesome prizes! Hannah will be getting a pool party for family and friends AND an entire year of free swim lessons! Skeeter is winning a pocket full of cash and an exciting trip to Legoland! We are so excited for them and are giving them a big virtual round of applause for their hard work!

Our very special Grand Prize Winner for our fourth year of the pledge is none other than 6-year-old Neslyn from Goldfish – Glendale in New York! Neslyn and her family are off to a Golden Family Getaway to LEGOLAND® New York Resort with $2024 in GOLD-HARD cash, and a whole bunch of Goldfish and LEGO Swag to help them celebrate their Safer Summer! !

We are so excited to Celebrate all of this year’s winners and their efforts towards becoming safer swimmers ,and helping others do the same! As we wrap up this year’s pledge campaign, you haven’t missed your chance to become a safer swimmer! Of course, learning to be safer in and around the water happens naturally in swim lessons, but it can start at home! Wear your Coast Guard-approved life jacket, assign a Safer Swimmer Guard, and wear bright-colored swimsuits to start taking the right steps towards being as safe as can be while you enjoy the water this summer and beyond!