Goodbye cold; hello warm weather! That means swim season is nearly upon us and Goldfish Swim School is offering week-long Jump Start Clinics during Spring Break to help make sure your kids can fully enjoy all the pools and beaches this year.*

Even if your kids already “know” how to swim, there are still reasons swim lessons are beneficial. Luckily for you, Spring Break is the perfect time to sign up for a Jump Start Clinic (even if you’re not a member)! Here’s why:

1. A great introduction to swim lessons

If you’ve already registered to start your little goldfish swimming at Goldfish Swim School, Jump Start Clinics are a wonderful way to really “jump” into them! Your son or daughter (or entire brood!) will have a chance to get used to swim lessons rather quickly – and having a GOLDEN experience right away!

Not registered for lessons? No problem! Non-members are welcome to join Jump Start Clinics, which are a great way to test the waters. If you’re wondering how your little one will adapt to being in the water, or how he or she will like taking lessons, you can find out before committing. And should you find you want to start lessons, you can enroll at any time.

2. Brushing up on those swim skills, fast

If you live in a cold-weather climate, you probably haven’t done any pool or beach time for several months. But you know you’re going to be making the most out of the warm weather, or maybe you’re planning a vacation full of water play time – so you want your kids to make the most out of it. Jump Start Clinics are the answer! (Need proof? Here are the Top 8 Ways Jump Start Clinics Help Young Swimmers.)

With five straight days of lessons, your child will be able to work on those swim skills (and learn some new ones) in only a matter of days. The week of lessons allows kids to repeatedly practice the skills they haven’t used all winter and be prepared for swim season with some truly extraordinary results. Plus, Goldfish Swim School incorporates water safety skills in each and every lesson – which will allow you, mom and dad, to breathe a little easier.

3. Learning a new skill

You may be surprised at how quickly young children are able to learn something new. (Or maybe you’re not, since they can probably master your new smartphone faster than you can!). Just like practicing any skill (such as tying shoelaces), repetition is key. Practicing swim skills every day for a week drills those moves in your little ones so they become natural. It also allows for more confidence in the water.

All kids should know how to do these 5 things in the water – and Jump Start Clinics will help. Whether you have a young toddler learning how to go underwater, an older toddler learning how to do productive kicks or an older child learning how to do windmill arms and hold his or her breath the width of the pool, new skills can be learned in a week that will give all of you reason to celebrate, thanks to the integrity, compassion and trust our instructors use to help kids succeed.

Goldfish Swim School

When it comes to beginner swimming lessons and water safety, Goldfish Swim School is worth the money (here are 5 big reasons why!). Sign up for a Jump Start Clinic today at a location near you and check out the WOW! customer service (and so much more) you’ll be getting at Goldfish Swim School.

*At participating locations only!