Top 3 Reasons Why 30-Minute Swim Lessons are Perfect for Your Family

There’s no question that swim lessons have a positive influence on kids. We’ve already talked about how the things they learn in the water can do wonders for them outside of it, and how lessons even help them develop the skills that could save their life.
Since we believe every child show have access to swim lessons, we wanted to develop a swimming program that would fit easily into our busy families’ lives.
How long are these lessons, you ask? Just 30 minutes! You’re in, you’re out, you’re home for dinner.
Here are the top three reasons 30-minute lessons are a home run for your family:
They Keep Their Attention
In our 30-minute swim class, we’re able to work on specific skills, and keep the kids engaged at the same time. Through different exercises and even games, they’re able to stay focused and interested, getting the most out of each time in the Goldfish pool.
We’re also able to keep classes smaller. With our 4:1 student-teacher ratio, teachers get more time with each student, and that one-on-one attention is the best way to help children develop their confidence and comfort in the water. Smaller classes also create a strong group atmosphere, so kids can learn from each other while they’re learning from the teacher.
They Make Scheduling Easy
Compared to other after-school activities like soccer or ballet, our 30-minute swim lessons are a breeze to fit into your busy schedule. Our fantastic front desk representatives are extremely flexible. Need to schedule a makeup lesson? Done. Need to switch your lesson time around? We’d be happy to. After-school activities should not be a hassle…especially when they could help to save your child’s life.
Not to mention, since they’re so quick, you can stick around and watch your little swimmer from our comfortable parent viewing area, or even run a few errands before you come to pick them up! Don’t forget-during the last five minutes of every lesson, our Goldfish teachers provide immediate feedback, so that you’re always up-to-date on your child’s progress!
You Get the Added Value of a Goldfish Membership
Becoming a member at your local Goldfish doesn’t just provide you with swimming instruction; it also opens doors to some exciting extras for you and your child. Like our welcome bag full of goodies when you first join Goldfish, complete with a coupon good for 25% off a reusable swim diaper or pair of goggles from our Treasure Island Pro-Shop.
Or our Kids Night Out programs; if every now and then you’re craving some mommy and daddy time, then Kids Night Out is perfect! Contact your local Goldfish for details, but during Kids Night Out, you can drop your child off at Goldfish where, for the next several hours, they’ll have the time their lives: swimming, crafts, food-you name it! We’ll do all the work, and you can get a night to yourself. Relax, we got this!
And, for instance, take our Family Swims. After a few lessons, your child will be begging to show you what he or she has learned in the pool, and Family Swim is the perfect time to do so! Family Swim times vary by location, but are free for members during the day, and are only $5/person with a maximum of $15/family at night.
With all of these bonuses, if you haven’t already signed your child up for our 30-minute swim lessons, find your local Goldfish Swim School and get started today. If your child is already enrolled, we’d love it if you could leave us a comment and let us know how they’ve grown!