Just Keep Swimming: How swim lessons Help Kids With Stress & Anxiety

It’s no secret this year has been, well…stressful.
Over the past several months, we’ve all had to navigate uncharted waters and adjust to a new way of life, including our kids.
Just as much as our world has changed, theirs has, too. While they may not fully understand why, they’ve felt the impact just the same. Their routines have been disrupted, and many aspects of their daily life have drastically changed-things like going to school, seeing family members and playing with friends.
When you think about it, life is like one big pool that’s filled with lessons that challenge us, change us and push us past our comfort zone. While we may not be able to stop waves from crashing in, we can learn how to swim.
What we mean is, there’s always going to be stress in life, so we need to be prepared to deal with it in a healthy way…and teach our kids how to handle anxiety, too!
That’s why, at Goldfish Swim School, we don’t just teach kids how to swim. We teach them how to overcome their fears and develop the courage to dive into new experiences, while enjoying the ride and having fun along the way. It starts with a splash that creates a ripple of progress, and leads to them making big waves in life.
As we all continue to dip our toes back into daily life and look for ways to provide our kids with some sense of normalcy, we want you to know we’re committed to providing a safe, calm and welcoming outlet where children can learn and grow.
Kids have to deal with so much these days! While some plans may have been put on pause, swimming can serve as a healthy outlet that helps them stay physically and mentally fit.
Not only is it one of the few non-contact activities that children can safely participate in, swimming has also been scientifically proven to help reduce stress and anxiety.
In fact, studies show that swimming, for even just 30 minutes at a time, can lower stress levels, improve sleep patterns and reduce anxiety and depression. That’s because swimming releases endorphins, feel-good signals in our body that lead us to experience a greater sense of happiness and wellbeing.
The soothing feeling of floating in the water also allows muscles to relax, releasing tension and loosening up the body and mind. Another factor of relaxation is having controlled breathing, something we focus on during every lesson at Goldfish.
From the outside, it might just look like fun and games, but there’s science behind everything we do!
Every detail of our swim school – from our confidence-building curriculum and our tropical atmosphere to our shiver-free pool – was designed to enhance learning, fun and safety for every child we teach.
Using The Science of SwimPlay®, our unique play-based approach to learning, we help kids develop lifelong skills – in a safe environment – all while playing, which is the best way for them to learn. So, while we’re focused on the serious stuff, your child will only be focused on how much fun they’re having.
Most importantly, we celebrate our swimmers’ progress every step of the way, and reward them with ribbons, cheers and air high-fives when they face their fears and master new skills. This helps children become more confident in their abilities and feel less anxious and more empowered the next time they face a similar challenge.
We understand every child we teach is going to have a different level of comfort with the water when they start swim lessons. Some are ready to jump right in; others need a little more encouragement. That’s okay!
We know children can be a little nervous about the water, and new experiences. That’s why we use The Science of SwimPlay® to reframe swim lessons from something scary into something fun!
If your little fish isn’t a fan of the water at first, don’t be discouraged. Take it from this parent, who’s child’s tears of fear quickly turned into jumping for joy.
It’s normal for kids to cry when they first start swim lessons. For some kids, the pool is a big and frightening place, and oftentimes swim lessons is their first experience in the water without mom and dad by their side, which can cause them to experience separation anxiety.
Although, it’s not always just kids who are met with feelings of anxiety when starting swim lessons. As parents, we know how nerve-wracking signing your little one up for swim lessons can be. Perhaps you had some scary experiences of your own when you were younger, or you’re also feeling some separation anxiety of your own that comes from placing your child in the care of another person.
Rest assured, each of our instructors are highly trained and use integrity, compassion and trust to ensure every child and parent feels comfortable during class. They’re sensitive to their swimmers’ feelings and use positive reinforcement to create a nurturing class environment and help students become more comfortable in the water. As children become more familiar with class, their instructors cease being strangers and become familiar, friendly faces they look forward to seeing each week.
We understand your family may be anxious about starting swim lessons. But the last thing we want you to worry about is your safety. At Goldfish Swim School, the safety of our guests and team members has always been, and continues to be, our number one priority! Learn more about our commitment to staying Safer. Stronger. Together. and what we’re doing to create a safe and Golden Experience for every parent and child who joins our Goldfish Family!
There are plenty of reasons your child should learn to swim, and reducing stress is a great one! swim lessons can also provide some structure to your schedule and give your kids something to look forward to each week. There are so many benefits of swimming! And taking swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School gives kids even more reasons to be happy!
While they’re having fun, you can sit back and relax in our tropical viewing area knowing your little fish will be soaking up the long-lasting benefits and life lessons that naturally come with learning how to swim-lessons like how to be resilient.
To enroll your kids in swim lessons, find the Goldfish Swim School location near you. Our confidence-building curriculum, tropical atmosphere and WOW! Customer Service are just a few of the reasons why parents and children love swimming with us. If you’re interested in learning more about how swimming can help reduce stress, or what you can do to help your child work through any anxiety they may be feeling, we’ve created some educational resources we’d be happy to share with you. Simply send us a message, or reach out to your local Goldfish Swim School to learn more.