2023: A Truly GOLDEN Year For The Safer Swimmer Pledge

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Water safety and drowning prevention have always been part of our Goldfish DNA. They’re present in every lesson, every Water Safety Presentation, and every team training session. While these are constantly driving our teams, the need for water safety education ramps up as we get ready to celebrate summer, and what better time to prepare our kiddos for a safer summer than National Water Safety Month in May!
Water Safety Month is a fintastic opportunity to teach our swimmers extra water safety and drowning prevention necessities. In 2021, we introduced the award-winning Safer Swimmer Pledge campaign, amping up water safety awareness for our kiddos, team members and communities, and we’re excited to see how much it’s taken off since then!
2023: The Biggest & Best Safer Swimmer Pledge Year Yet!
What started as water safety tips and amazing partnerships has blossomed into a truly fintastic month-long celebration! As our Goldfish family continues to grow, so has the Safer Swimmer Pledge, and we’re excited to share just how GOLDEN this year’s pledge drive truly was!
Taking The Pledge
Above all else, the Safer Swimmer Pledge introduces our little swimmers (and parents!) to five water safety must-knows as they get ready to tackle their epic summers:
Whether I’m at home, the beach or pool, I will play it cool and follow the rules.
When it comes to swimming, water safety is key, that’s why I will always have an adult with me!
When I’m around water or on a boat, I can wear a life jacket to help me float.
No matter how deep the water may be, I will always jump in with my feet.
If I see a swimmer in need, I know how to help them indeed! First, I’ll throw them something to float, then I’ll go and get an adult.