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Goldfish Swim Force: Swim Team

Pro Swimming Lessons in a Swim Team Format for Kids Ages 5 – 12 Years Old

Once your child has mastered our pro swim levels, they will have the exciting opportunity to join our Goldfish Swim Force swim team! This is a fun, friendly team environment where students continue to work on their swim skills, while building character and confidence along the way. Our in-water coaches train and encourage swimmers between the ages of 5 and 12 to master the four major swim strokes. These sessions are one hour, once a week, with a swim meet once per quarter. The recreational swim team is an opportunity to hone skills further and to get a feel for competitive swimming for those who are interested in moving into youth sports.

Swim Force

Swim Force
Congrats! Your child is ready to dive in. Book a lesson with us now.
5 - 12 years
Adult Participation:
Student-to-Teacher Ratio:
Class length:
1 hour
  • Graduates from our Pro 2 level move on to our Swim Force youth swim team
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