Deepest Deal of the Year Starting 11/28!

Get the Holiday Package for only $150!
72 Hours ONLY Starting November 28th!
This is it — our deepest discount of the year starts Saturday 11/28…Get the Big Splash Holiday Package for only $150!!!
Gifting a Golden experience for the child in your life will bring peace of mind come summer. Plus, your holiday package comes already wrapped and ready to go under the tree!
- The Big Splash Holiday Package retails for $246 but you can buy it for just $150 (a $98 savings) for 72 hours, with shipping and curbside pick-up available. This deal expires at Midnight, Tuesday, December 1.
- The swim lessons may be redeemed anytime from the purchase date through the end of 2021. Best of all, Goldfish Edmond’s worry-free guarantee ensures no lessons will be lost due to a change in COVID-19 safety protocols or school closure.
Purchase your Big Splash Holiday Package online or call 405.696.7800 today!
*Please note: Current members may choose between a $25 credit on their account or their registration expiring one year from the start date of their child’s Big Splash Holiday Package classes. In addition, the swim lessons included in our Big Splash Holiday Package are equal to two months of our $89 per month group swim lessons, for a total value of $178 (that you got for only $150!). If at some point, your child is in a $119 per month (Mini 3 or 4) or $109 per month (Swim Force) lesson you will be asked to pay the $20-$30 difference at that time.*