Our Chief Franchising Officer and Chief Legal Officer, Dan Israel joined our team in 2016, though his passion for water safety and swimming started much sooner. As a competitive swimmer in high school and college, Dan developed an appreciation for both the sport and its ability to change and save lives at an early age. Carrying on that love for the water, he was excited to enroll his children in our very first Goldfish Swim School in Birmingham, MI. There, he witnessed firsthand our brand’s dedication to providing a safe and fun environment for children to learn to swim, and knew joining the brand was the right decision for him. 

Dan’s Role at Goldfish Swim School 

Dan currently has the pleasure of wearing two hats and holding two seats within our brand – serving as the Chief Franchising Officer and the Chief Legal Officer. With his extensive experience in both franchising and law, he is uniquely suited to be perfect for both roles. In the start of his career at Goldfish, Dan worked as a representative for prospective franchisees interested in joining the Goldfish brand. Over time, his role has evolved to blend his legal skills with his interest in franchise development. 

Dan now plays a pivotal role in our company’s continued growth, serving as a member of our leadership team to help make decisions and shape the future of our brand. He also oversees franchise development and helps to support franchisees as they open new schools across the country. 

Dan’s Impact on the Brand

Under Dan’s leadership, our franchise development efforts have flourished. He has helped to award more than 250 franchise schools to passionate and dedicated franchisees who share our company’s mission of water safety. And it doesn’t stop there! Dan’s impact on franchising goes beyond even just our brand, as he serves on the board of the State of Michigan Bar Association’s Franchising Section and continues to be an active participant at various franchise development events – like the Franchise Leadership Development Conference. 

We are certain that Dan’s dedication to both the legal and franchising aspects of our brand will have a lasting impact on our ability to expand our mission, reach more families and create awareness about water safety.