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Goldfish Swim School - Burr Ridge


Please read below for the changes that we have implemented to create a safer environment and a Golden Experience for everyone in our facility upon reopening. Keep in mind that like many businesses, we will be taking a phased approach to reopening. Thank you for your continued support!

Click Here to view our Local COVID FAQ's!

Safer Facility

  • ENHANCED SANITIZATION: We pride ourselves on a sparkling facility and have increased our cleaning
    regimen and pool sanitization schedule. In addition to professional deep
    cleaning and sanitation throughout the week, we will have a dedicated
    cleaner during every shift to disinfect high touch surfaces. We will also
    have multiple hand sanitizing stations throughout our facility as well
    as hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes available for use.
  • SOCIAL DISTANCING: A limited number of chairs will be available in our viewing area with
    markers to accommodate social distancing guidelines.
  • SAFETY SIGNAGE: Decals and signs throughout the facility will share clear and helpful reminders
    and control the flow of traffic through the school.
  • CASHLESS TRANSACTIONS: Treasure Island retail items or Snack Shack purchases will be charged
    to the credit card on your account.
  • ABRIDGED AMENITIES: We are temporarily closing off our shower area and suspending our added
    extras to curb the spread of germs including: books, toys, prizes, hairdryers,
    loaner goggles. We will also prohibit the use of drinking fountains –
    so please feel free to bring your own bottle of water!
  • LOST AND FOUND: Please try your best to keep track of all your belongings, as the state
    has suggested that we eliminate our Lost and Found bins.
  • EFFICIENT AIR CIRCULATION: Our pool and dry-side HVAC systems have been programmed to introduce fresh
    air into the facility at a higher rate than traditional systems.
  • TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENTS: Our new, easy-to-use mobile app will enable parents to manage their accounts
    and schedules. We are working to track skill progression virtually as well.

Safer Guests & Members

  • LIMITED OCCUPANCY: Only one caregiver/guardian per child will be allowed into the facility.
    We encourage families to leave non-swimming siblings at home to help us
    stay within our facility capacity limits.
  • SWIM-READY RULE: Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your lesson. Swimmers must
    come dressed for lessons as changing huts will not be available prior
    to swimming.
  • TOUCHLESS CHECK-IN: The check-in kiosk will be discontinued. A “check-in” team
    member will be stationed at our front door to greet customers, check them
    in, and let them know their children’s lane assignments. Members may also
    check-in via the Goldfish mobile app.
  • E-SIGNATURE ENABLED: Paper registration forms have been replaced with our new eSignature platform.
  • PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: We are requiring all members to wear face masks in our facility. For safety
    reasons, children will not wear face masks while in the pool area. Disposable
    masks will be available in our facility for $1, and all proceeds will
    be donated to our Float it Forward campaign in partnership with the USA
    Swimming Foundation.
  • EFFICIENT EXIT: Showers will be temporarily closed to abide by the recommendations of
    local and state authorities. While we encourage families to exit our facility
    as quickly as possible, a limited number of changing huts will be available
    for use after lessons.

Safer Team

  • SYMPTOM CHECKLIST: Anyone experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms must stay home. A list of symptoms
    as outlined by the CDC can be found on their website and will be posted
    around our facilities.
  • TEMPERATURE SCANS: Upon arrival, all staff will have temperatures taken via touchless infrared
    thermometer, and will be asked to complete a self-assessment. If the staff
    member has a fever or self-reports signs of illness, they will be asked
    to return home.
  • PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: A clear plastic barrier will be installed at the Front Desk. Staff will
    wear masks and gloves where applicable, including clear Face Shields for
  • SWIM-READY RULE: Staff will also be required to enter our facility ready for work. Procedures
    will be implemented to ensure the proper physical distance between staff
    members throughout their shifts.
  • NO SHARING OF EQUIPMENT: Each instructor will be assigned to a lane with his/her own equipment,
    which will be swapped out and cleaned after each lesson by a dedicated cleaner.
  • AWARENESS & PREPAREDNESS TRAINING: Our employees play a key role in helping prevent the spread of coronavirus.
    To that end, our team has been taught how to prepare for and respond to

Safer Swimming

  • PHYSICAL DISTANCING: Widened lane lines, use of alternate ends of pool and new color island
    organization will be used to provide for adequate distance between swimmers.
  • ADJUSTED TRAFFIC FLOW: Parents or guardians will drop children off at dry-side door once they
    are called for lessons. After lessons, parents or guardians will be permitted
    onto the pool deck to pick up their children.
  • ADJUSTED MANIPULATIONS: Refined curriculum and teaching techniques will minimize face to face
    and overall contact.
  • SUSPEND END OF CLASS COMMUNICATION: To limit congestion on pool deck, we are temporarily suspending in-person
    teacher talks after lessons. We aspire to share your swimmers progress
    via notifications from our new mobile app!
  • SUSPEND SWIM FORCE MEETS: Swim force practice will resume at the end of the summer.
  • PARTIES AND FAMILY SWIM: Temporarily suspend birthday parties, events and family swim.

Goldfish Swim School instructors undergo extensive training, so you can trust that they’re fun, patient and more than qualified to ensure the safety of our swimmers.

Meet Our Team

It's Time To
Take a Swim!